Our integration service enables the seamless integration of your preferred applications and tools into the CHÆMP universe. Enjoy the freedom to continue using familiar tools and create automated, smooth workflows.
With the chæmp platform, we have efficiently bundled various healthcare services into one system. It helps us to reach our employees in a more personal way while making it as easy as possible to use. The introduction of chæmp has reduced our administrative workload and increased employee satisfaction at the same time.
Seamlessly connect your standard applications with CHÆMP. Whether travel management, time recording or health management – we will find a solution for you to simplify your workflow.
With CHÆMP’s integration service, you don’t have to part with your tried-and-tested applications. Simply integrate your favourite tools into our platform and benefit from synchronized, efficient data management.
Our service offers the flexibility to integrate almost any application, provided the partner company agrees. This openness allows your company to use exactly the tools you need and strengthens your ability to adapt to changing requirements.
Find out how CHÆMP:
Personalized recommendations and resources for more well-being in everyday working life.